Nay's Blog!!!

This is Nay's coolas blog that I made 4 my UPC class! I hope you all enjoy reading and commenting on my blog and the posts that I put in it! :)ENJOY!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

12 Ways to Protect Yourself Online

  1. Don't reveal your persobnal details online. This is because people can track your from your personal details and get into your bank account or credit card. If you publish your hiome details then anhyone can have access to know where you live.
  2. Using cookies. When using cookies the computwer wilol save your searches, usernames and passwiords for you. This is handy because it saves you time. The downfall of this tool is that if someone else uses the computer then they too can access you account saved passwords and usernames in your cookies.
  3. Using several email accounts. This helps the user by allowing an email account for important emails from people like bosses, friends and family and anouther account for applying to mailing lists, chatrooms, newsgroups ect.. or other groups that you expect of recieve alot of junkmail from. The 'side' account allows you to keep your 'clean' email not filled up with lots of emails that your not going to read and leaving space for the important emails.
  4. Don't give out you details to people that you have just meet. As trustworthy as theyh m,ay seem these people could turn out tmo be a peterfile at a face to face meeting or they might be some other figure that may be harmful to you or anyone else close to you.
  5. Monitoring at work. Watch out and avoid of the use of personal information because many empolyers monitor the use of the web of their employees. Also make sure that you send your email to the right person and not to a wholegroup of people... Check the heading before you send.
  6. Sites giving out prizes. You probably won't win but the markets can use your imformation and pass it on to other marketers.
  7. Don't reply to spammers. Even the reply that you don't want anymore of their emails should be avoided because they won't stop sending them to you. If you are getting alot of 'spam' then use a filter such as:

Pam Hater ( ) for Windows users

TAG ( ) for experienced Unix users

SpamBouncer ( ) for experienced Unix users (works well with TAG)

BrightMail ( ) for ISPs

SpamCop ( ) for anyone

More information on fighting spam is available at:Elsop's Anti-Spam Page ( );MaximumDownforce's Info-n-Links Page( );Whew's Anti-Spam Campaign ( ).

8. Internet security.

9. Home computer security.

10. Take note of privacy policies and seals

11. It's YOUR choice to do what YOU want with your personal details.

12. Use encryption!


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