Nay's Blog!!!

This is Nay's coolas blog that I made 4 my UPC class! I hope you all enjoy reading and commenting on my blog and the posts that I put in it! :)ENJOY!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Reading Summary - PC Lube and Tune

Exception Handling in Java and C#- This article explains to the reader the problems, benifits and basic use of Jave and the .Net framework , it goes through problems you may come apon and how to fix or get around them.
An Introduction to PC Hardware- This comments on many issues considering computer as well as adressing many questions about the computer and its components. It talks about computing components and the standards in there design . It also mentions many more topics and helpful notes and tips.
The Graphic User Interface- The development of modern computing language, develoment , enviromant and every operating system.
Computers, Video Files, and HDTV– Some recording divices are replacing anoth and the benefits, disadvantages of each, Etc.
Technical Perspective on The Microsoft Antitrust Case- As it says, its a tetical perspective on the microsoft antitrust case, it basically explins whant each side thought and how they were leagally backed up, on not.
The Tragedy of Microsoft and Java- A court case about Microsofts involvment in the development of Java.


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