Nay's Blog!!!

This is Nay's coolas blog that I made 4 my UPC class! I hope you all enjoy reading and commenting on my blog and the posts that I put in it! :)ENJOY!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Using Endnote is a great way to write out and keep track of references.

Once you have opened endnote then select references on the menu and then select the appropriate reference type. Type in the details of your reference and then save it.

It will appear along with other saved refernces in that endnote file.

Copy and paste it into the required progam eg. Word

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Seach Engines

There are a large number of seach engine that can be used to find links to a desired topic. is a popular serch engine and features alot of extra tools.
Google is set out set out so that the user types in their quiry into the searchbar and the links relatedto the search appears. You are also about to access certain pictures through the quiry by clicking on the images link. The number of found wlinks are also present. Each found link has a title, discription and URL to access the site.

Accessing organised information

Programs can be used to organise and manage information. The appropriate progam should be used for the management of information and data
eg. A word doc. would be the best program to type up a letter because of the tools the are

Saving your files to the ralevent folders makes it easier and quicker to access. It is better to name these folders according to function rather than content.

Searching for a file or folder is done by going to the start menu - serach annd then find files and folders and type in your required search.

Information Format:

Bit-based: eg. Electronic content


  • Flexable
  • Cheap
  • Easy to edit
  • Easy to produce and broadcast


  • Easy to copy and steal
  • Easy to fake or alter
  • Unsolicited broadcast -SPAM

Atom-based: eg. Books


  • We can see it
  • We know where it is
  • Easy to hide
  • Easy to protect
  • Hard to change
  • Hard to copy


  • Bulky
  • Expensive
  • Hard to edit
  • Hard to share

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

History of the Internet, Internet for Historians

Chapter One: The Origins and Growth of The Internet and the World Wide Web
The Basic History of the growth of Computers from 1849 to 1991

Morse’s telegraph (1849)

Samuel Morse's invention in 1844 using electronic impulses, key and a special codes that sequences of pulses to letters of the alphabet.
Hollerith’s Tabulating machine
The next step is to link this particular invention
Differential Analyzer

Mark 1 Harvard Mark I

The Collossus (1944 rebuilt 1994)

In 1961 IBM introduced a 'Compatible Time Sharing System'

The 'chip' is born and entered into commercial production in 1961.

Babbage’s Difference Engine built in 1991.
First main step towards the modern computer was Charles Babbage's experiments in the 1820s-1840s to build a "Difference Engine".

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Little History of the World Wide Web

The site 'A Little History of the World Wide Web' covers the updates and things that has been add to increase the reliability of the World Wide Web. The timeline covers from 1945 to 1995 and also provides relivent links to the web's history.

Search Engine Tutorials

This site about search engine tutorials titles and discribes the seach links. Each online source has a comment made from viewers. These search engine provide a search makes it easier for a viewer to seach for specific topics around the web.

eg. The source of

Search Engine Showdown
Search Engine Showdown is produced by writer and Montana State University Reference Librarian Greg R. Notess. In it, you'll find good content, ranging from organized comparison charts, reviews, strategies to searching and more. In particular, Notess does long-standing surveys on search engine sizes and dead links, as well as providing tutorials and noting search "inconsistencies" for some search engines -- when they don't operate the way they are supposed to. The site is updated on a regular basis.

Martin Luther King

The site is expeted by the viewer to discuss the life of the man Martin Luther. The site covers famous quotes from Martin and about the night he announced his retirement. The site also includes links that lead to lyrics about Martin, historical writing about him, alwell as the written truth about Martin, about the day he was shot, about civil rights and suggested books to read about the topic.